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- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;This c2p routine is also used in the rtgmaster library, it's not too bad for
- ;a CPU only routine.
- CHUNKYMEM = MEM_DATA ;<- Fast memory.
- INCLUDE "exec/libraries.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/initializers.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/resident.i"
- INCLUDE "exec/exec_lib.i"
- INCLUDE "hardware/custom.i"
- INCLUDE "dpkernel/dpkernel.i"
- INCLUDE "system/debug.i"
- jsr _LVO\1(a6)
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- SECTION "Chunky8",CODE
- LibPriority = 0
- CleanExit: ;If the user tries to run the library, we
- moveq #$00,d0 ;don't want to crash...
- rts
- InitDescrip:
- dc.w RTC_MATCHWORD ;UWORD rt_matchword
- dc.l InitDescrip,EndCode ;APTR rt_matchtag, rt_endskip
- dc.b RTF_AUTOINIT,DPKVersion ;UBYTE rt_flags, rt_version
- dc.b NT_LIBRARY,LibPriority ;UBYTE rt_type, rt_pri
- dc.l LibName,IDString,Init ;APTR rt_name, rt_idstring, rt_init
- LibName:
- dc.b "000.CPU1",0
- even
- dc.b "$VER: "
- IDString:
- dc.b "Chunky 8 Emulator V1.0",10,0
- even
- Init: dc.l CHKBase_SIZEOF,FunctionTable,DataTable,InitRoutine
- FunctionTable:
- FT: dc.w -1,Open-FT,Close-FT,Expunge-FT,Null-FT
- dc.w LIB_emuStart-FT
- dc.w LIB_emuInitRefresh-FT
- dc.w LIB_emuFreeRefresh-FT
- dc.w LIB_emuRefreshScreen-FT
- dc.w -1
- DataTable:
- dc.l 0
- even
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Requires: a0 = SegList
- ; d0 = Library Base.
- InitRoutine:
- MOVEM.L D1-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ;SP = Save registers.
- move.l d0,a5 ;a5 = Store pointer to our base.
- move.l d0,CHKBase ;ma = Save pointer to our base.
- move.l a0,CHK_SegList(a5) ;a5 = Save pointer to SegList.
- move.l CHKBase(pc),d0 ;d0 = Return library pointer.
- .error MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D7/A0-A6 ;SP = Return registers.
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- Open: addq.w #1,LIB_OPENCNT(a6) ;Increment lib count.
- move.l a6,d0 ;Return library base.
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- Close: moveq #$00,d0 ;This is called whenever someone closes
- subq.w #1,LIB_OPENCNT(a6) ;our library.
- bne.s .Exit
- beq.s .Exit
- bsr.s Expunge
- .Exit rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- Expunge:
- MOVEM.L D1-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ;SP = Save all registers.
- move.l a6,a5 ;a5 = Our library base.
- tst.w LIB_OPENCNT(a5) ;a5 = Do any programs have us open?
- beq.s .expunge ;>> = No, so it's safe to expunge ourselves.
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D7/A0-A6 ;SP = Return all registers.
- moveq #$00,d0
- rts
- .expunge
- move.l ($4).w,a6 ;a6 = ExecBase.
- move.l CHK_SegList(a5),d2 ;d2 = Our segment list.
- move.l a5,a1 ;a1 = Our library base.
- CALL Remove ;>> = Remove it.
- move.l a5,a1 ;a1 = Our library base.
- moveq #$00,d0 ;d0 = 00
- move.w LIB_NEGSIZE(a5),d0 ;d0 = LIB_NEGSIZE(base)
- sub.l d0,a1 ;a1 = (base)-LIB_NEGSIZE
- CALL FreeMem ;>> = Free the memory.
- move.l d2,d0 ;d0 = Pointer to segment list.
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,D1-D7/A0-A6 ;SP = Return all registers, d0 = seglist.
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- Null: moveq #$00,d0
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: Ignore this function, we will only use it to grab the DPKBase.
- ;Requires: d0 = DPKBase.
- ; a6 = Chunky Base.
- ;Returns: d0 = ErrorCode
- LIB_emuStart:
- move.l d0,DPKBase ;ma = Save the DPKBase.
- moveq #ERR_OK,d0 ;d0 = No errors.
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: Initialise the C2P algorithm for emuRefreshScreen(). Note how if the
- ; screen is double buffered, we do not allocate a second chunky buffer.
- ; The reason is a second planar display buffer already exists, so
- ; having a two chunky buffers has no benefit.
- ;
- ;Requires: a0 = Screen
- ;Returns: d0 = ErrorCode.
- LIB_emuInitRefresh:
- MOVEM.L D2-D7/A2-A6,-(SP) ;SP = Return used registers.
- move.l a0,a3
- move.l GS_Bitmap(a3),a4 ;a4 = Bitmap structure.
- cmp.l #$00,a4
- beq.s .error
- ;Move the planar screen displays (allocated in AddScreen()) to
- ;GS_EMemPtrX.
- move.l GS_MemPtr1(a3),GS_EMemPtr1(a3) ;a3 = Save planar.
- move.l GS_MemPtr2(a3),GS_EMemPtr2(a3) ;a3 = Save planar.
- move.l GS_MemPtr3(a3),GS_EMemPtr3(a3) ;a3 = Save planar.
- clr.l GS_MemPtr1(a3) ;a3 = Clear record pf memory ptr.
- clr.l GS_MemPtr2(a3) ;a3 = Clear record of memory ptr.
- clr.l GS_MemPtr3(a3) ;a3 = Clear record of memory ptr.
- ;Allocate the chunky memory, place it in GS_MemPtrX fields and store
- ;the pointers in GS_EFreeX fields to free it later.
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6 ;a6 = DPKBase.
- move.w BMP_Width(a4),d0 ;d0 = BmpWidth
- mulu BMP_Height(a4),d0 ;d0 = (BmpWidth)*BmpHeight
- moveq #CHUNKYMEM,d1 ;d1 = Memory Type (see definition).
- CALL AllocMemBlock ;>> = Go get the chunky memory.
- move.l d0,GS_EFree1(a3) ;a3 = Store chunky buffer for freemem.
- move.l d0,GS_MemPtr1(a3) ;a3 = Store chunky buffer in ptr #1.
- beq.s .error ;>> = Memory allocation error.
- move.l GS_Attrib(a3),d2 ;d2 = Screen attributes.
- and.l #SCR_DBLBUFFER|SCR_TPLBUFFER,d2 ;d2 = Double/Triple buffer?
- beq.s .done ;>> = No, finished.
- move.l d0,GS_MemPtr2(a3) ;a3 = Store chunky buffer in ptr #2.
- move.l GS_Attrib(a3),d2 ;d2 = Screen attributes.
- and.l #SCR_TPLBUFFER,d2 ;d2 = Triple buffer?
- beq.s .done ;>> = Done.
- move.l d0,GS_MemPtr3(a3) ;a3 = Store chunky buffer in ptr #3.
- .done move.l GS_MemPtr1(a3),BMP_Data(a4)
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,D2-D7/A2-A6 ;SP = Return used registers.
- moveq #ERR_OK,d0 ;d0 = No errors.
- rts
- .error MOVEM.L (SP)+,D2-D7/A2-A6 ;SP = Return used registers.
- moveq #ERR_FAILED,d0 ;d0 = Failure.
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: Free any allocations we made for the C2P routine.
- ;Requires: a0 = Screen
- ; a6 = Chunky Base.
- ;Returns: Nothing.
- LIB_emuFreeRefresh:
- MOVEM.L D0/A6,-(SP) ;SP = Save used registers.
- move.l DPKBase(pc),a6 ;a6 = DPKBase.
- move.l GS_EFree1(a0),d0 ;d0 = Screen memory 1 (C2P)
- CALL FreeMemBlock ;>> = Free screen memory.
- move.l GS_EFree2(a0),d0 ;d0 = Screen memory 2 (C2P)
- CALL FreeMemBlock ;>> = Free screen memory.
- move.l GS_EFree3(a0),d0 ;d0 = Screen memory 3 (C2P)
- CALL FreeMemBlock ;>> = Free screen memory.
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0/A6 ;SP = Return used registers.
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;===================================================================================;
- ;Function: Do the C2P process.
- ;Requires: a0 = Screen
- ; a6 = Chunky Base.
- ;Returns: Nothing.
- LIB_emuRefreshScreen:
- MOVEM.L D0-D7/A0-A6,-(SP) ;SP = Save used registers.
- move.l GS_Bitmap(a0),a4
- moveq #$00,d0 ;d0 = 00.
- moveq #$00,d1 ;d1 = 00.
- move.w BMP_Width(a4),d0 ;d0 = Width.
- move.w BMP_Height(a4),d1 ;d1 = Height.
- move.l d0,d2 ;d2 = ByteWidth
- lsr.l #3,d2 ;d2 = (ByteWidth)/8 [planar]
- move.l d2,d3 ;d3 = Line modulo.
- mulu BMP_Height(a4),d2 ;d2 = (ByteWidth/8)*Height
- move.l GS_Attrib(a0),d7 ;d7 = Screen attributes
- and.l #SCR_DBLBUFFER|SCR_TPLBUFFER,d7 ;d7 = Double or triple buffered?
- bne.s .doubleandtriple :>> = Yes.
- .single move.l GS_EMemPtr1(a0),a1 ;a1 = Pointer to planar display.
- move.l GS_MemPtr1(a0),a0 ;a0 = Pointer to chunky buffer.
- bra.s .process
- .doubleandtriple
- move.l GS_EMemPtr2(a0),a1 ;a1 = Pointer to planar display.
- move.l GS_MemPtr2(a0),a0 ;a0 = Pointer to chunky buffer.
- ;a0 = Chunky buffer.
- ;a1 = First bitplane.
- ;d0 = Width in pixels, multiple of 32.
- ;d1 = Height in pixels (even).
- ;d2 = Bitplane modulo.
- ;d3 = Line modulo. Modulo from start of one line to start of next (linemod)
- .process
- move.l d2,a5 ;a5 = Plane Size.
- lsl.l #3,d2 ;d2 = (PlaneSize)*8
- sub.l a5,d2 ;d2 = (PlaneSize*8)-PlaneSize
- subq.l #2,d2 ;d2 = --2
- move.l d2,a6 ;a6 = (PlaneSize*8-PlaneSize-2)
- lsr.w #4,d0 ;d0 = Width/32
- ext.l d0 ;d0 = Make long.
- move.l d0,d4 ;d4 = Width/32
- subq.l #1,d4 ;d4 = (Width/32)-1
- move.l d4,-(SP) ;SP = Save it.
- add.l d0,d0 ;d0 = (Width/32)*2
- sub.l d0,d3 ;d3 = (LineMod)-Width/16
- sub.l a6,d3 ;d3 =
- move.l d3,-(SP) ;SP =
- move.w d1,d7 ;d7 = Height
- subq.w #1,d7 ;d7 = (Height)-1 [for loop]
- movea.l #$f0f0f0f0,a2 ;a2 = $F0F0F0F0
- movea.l #$cccccccc,a3 ;a3 = $CCCCCCCC
- movea.l #$aaaa5555,a4 ;a4 = $AAAA5555
- move.l a2,d6 ;d6 = $F0F0F0F0
- swap d7 ;d7 = (loop)<<16
- move.w (6,SP),d7
- move.l (a0)+,d0
- move.l (a0)+,d1
- move.l (a0)+,d2
- move.l (a0)+,d3
- move.l d0,d4
- and.l d6,d0
- eor.l d0,d4
- lsl.l #4,d4
- bra .same
- .outer swap d7
- move.w (6,sp),d7
- move.w d5,(a1)
- adda.l a5,a1
- swap d5
- move.w d5,(a1)
- adda.l (sp),a1
- movem.l (a0)+,d0-d3
- move.l d0,d5
- swap d0
- rol.l #8,d2
- move.w d0,d4
- move.b d2,d4
- swap d4
- swap d2
- move.w d2,d4
- move.b d0,d4
- ror.w #8,d4
- move.b d2,d5
- swap d5
- swap d2
- move.w d2,d5
- swap d0
- move.b d0,d5
- ror.w #8,d5
- move.l d1,d2
- swap d1
- rol.l #8,d3
- move.w d1,d0
- move.b d3,d0
- swap d0
- swap d3
- move.w d3,d0
- move.b d1,d0
- ror.w #8,d0
- move.b d3,d2
- swap d2
- swap d3
- move.w d3,d2
- swap d1
- move.b d1,d2
- ror.w #8,d2
- move.l d2,d3
- move.l d0,d2
- move.l d4,d0
- move.l d5,d1
- move.l d0,d4
- and.l d6,d0
- eor.l d0,d4
- lsl.l #4,d4
- bra.s .same
- .inner move.w d5,(a1)
- adda.l a5,a1
- swap d5
- move.w d5,(a1)
- suba.l a6,a1
- move.l (a0)+,d0
- move.l d0,d5
- move.l (a0)+,d1
- swap d0
- move.l (a0)+,d2
- rol.l #8,d2
- move.w d0,d4
- move.b d2,d4
- swap d4
- swap d2
- move.w d2,d4
- move.b d0,d4
- ror.w #8,d4
- move.b d2,d5
- swap d5
- swap d2
- move.w d2,d5
- swap d0
- move.b d0,d5
- ror.w #8,d5
- move.l d1,d2
- swap d1
- move.l (a0)+,d3
- rol.l #8,d3
- move.w d1,d0
- move.b d3,d0
- swap d0
- swap d3
- move.w d3,d0
- move.b d1,d0
- ror.w #8,d0
- move.b d3,d2
- swap d2
- swap d3
- move.w d3,d2
- swap d1
- move.b d1,d2
- ror.w #8,d2
- move.l d2,d3
- move.l d0,d2
- move.l d4,d0
- move.l d5,d1
- and.l d6,d0
- eor.l d0,d4
- lsl.l #4,d4
- .same move.l d2,d5
- and.l d6,d5
- eor.l d5,d2
- lsr.l #4,d5
- or.l d5,d0
- or.l d4,d2
- move.l d1,d4
- and.l d6,d1
- eor.l d1,d4
- move.l d3,d5
- and.l d6,d5
- eor.l d5,d3
- lsr.l #4,d5
- lsl.l #4,d4
- or.l d5,d1
- or.l d4,d3
- move.l a3,d6
- move.l d2,d4
- and.l d6,d2
- eor.l d2,d4
- move.l d3,d5
- and.l d6,d5
- eor.l d5,d3
- lsl.l #2,d4
- or.l d4,d3
- move.l a4,d6
- move.l d3,d4
- and.l d6,d3
- eor.l d3,d4
- lsr.w #1,d4
- swap d4
- add.w d4,d4
- or.l d4,d3
- move.w d3,(a1)
- adda.l a5,a1
- lsr.l #2,d5
- or.l d5,d2
- move.l d2,d4
- and.l d6,d2
- eor.l d2,d4
- lsr.w #1,d4
- swap d3
- move.w d3,(a1)
- adda.l a5,a1
- swap d4
- add.w d4,d4
- or.l d4,d2
- move.l a3,d6
- move.l d0,d4
- and.l d6,d0
- eor.l d0,d4
- move.w d2,(a1)
- adda.l a5,a1
- move.l d1,d5
- and.l d6,d5
- eor.l d5,d1
- lsl.l #2,d4
- or.l d4,d1
- move.l a4,d6
- swap d2
- move.w d2,(a1)
- adda.l a5,a1
- move.l d1,d4
- and.l d6,d1
- eor.l d1,d4
- lsr.w #1,d4
- swap d4
- add.w d4,d4
- or.l d4,d1
- move.w d1,(a1)
- adda.l a5,a1
- lsr.l #2,d5
- or.l d5,d0
- move.l d0,d5
- and.l d6,d0
- eor.l d0,d5
- swap d1
- move.w d1,(a1)
- adda.l a5,a1
- lsr.w #1,d5
- swap d5
- add.w d5,d5
- or.l d0,d5
- move.l a2,d6
- dbra d7,.inner
- swap d7
- dbra d7,.outer
- move.w d5,(a1)
- adda.l a5,a1
- swap d5
- move.w d5,(a1)
- addq.l #8,sp
- MOVEM.L (SP)+,D0-D7/A0-A6 ;SP = Return used registers.
- rts
- ;===================================================================================;
- ; DATA
- ;===================================================================================;
- DPKBase dc.l 0
- CHKBase dc.l 0
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------;
- EndCode: